Schipke'd it.

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Sony A7III, iOS 12, Tamron 28-75mm and More - Update

See the VLOG episode related to this camera/lens here

Well, it's been a while. 

First: A personal note. Over the course of the last 18 months, I've found that (somehow) a multitude of opportunities have eventuated that loosely involve my particular set of skills (cue Liam Neeson voice). This has, obviously, been an amazing period of growth and evolution of the "Schipke'd it" brand and has kept me well and truly busy during every waking minute over the past year or so.

As a result, unfortunately, my website and personal content has fallen behind. My apologies.

The other reason I've been conspicuously absent from the online space is, quite simply, I've been learning. Learning how to be a better editor, photographer, videographer, content creator, businessman and how best to take advantage of this amazing entrepreneurial time we live in. I'm not close to an answer, other than realising that there is no definitive answer. 

However more importantly (and excitedly), I've been learning how to use all this tasty new gear I've been fortunate enough to wrangle up: The much-lauded (justifiably so) Sony A7III Camera, complimented with the brand new Tamron DI iii RXD 28-75mm f2.8 lens, the Zhiyun Crane 2 gimbal and a couple of other bits and bobs that aren't worth mentioning. 

Naturally I'll be making a couple of video's focusing on these products now that I've had time to learn and appreciate them, but a full review/taste won't be forthcoming this week. 

What I will be releasing tomorrow is episode 6 of my YouTube VLOG which will simply be a morsel of that buttery, tasty, full-frame, mirrorless, high-aperture, photogenic b-roll goodness shot with the Sony A7III from a recent weekend away in Canberra - the first opportunity I've had to take it out. 

 I also plan to write up, and create a video about the upcoming iOS 12 platform announced on June 4th at the Apple World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC). I had the developer beta installed before the keynote even ended, and it's quite something. A return to the positive aspects and quality of what makes Apple, Apple. 

Beyond this, I had teased a while ago on Instagram that a new aspect to my site and channel would be coming soon - "stay tuned" - and that's still the case. It will be exciting and challenging, and whilst it may seem trivial to some it will be a huge personal achievement for myself because it will involve maintaining a regular schedule which means I'll be forced to be more disciplined with how I spend my time creating, and less perfectionistic (is that a word?) towards my content.

If there's anything you guys would like to see me write about, let me know in the comments below. For now that's it guys. This was simply a post to let you guys know that the site is not dead, I am not gone and more will be coming soon. If anything, this is just the beginning.

- Tom